
from the Introduction:

" My late father and teacher Professor Israel Eldad wrote this book in 1970-71. When he was writing, between the Six-Day War of 1967 and the Yom Kippur War of 1973, Israel’s standing had risen among the nations, the Jews behind the Iron Curtain were experiencing a surge of Zionist emotion and commitment and the map of “Greater Israel” had entered the consciousness of Israelis: Israel, which had speedily defeated the armies of Egypt, Jordan and Syria, then controlled the Sinai Desert, the Golan Heights and the regions of Judea and Samaria.

This book is a primer for would-be Jewish revolutionaries, but this state-ment must be understood in the sense that all of Jewish existence is revolu-tionary, if it is at all authentic. The book explains why and details some of the rungs on the ladder of redemption: My father presciently recognized and proclaimed the importance of the Jewish revival in the Soviet Union, the aliyah that must and would and will come from East and West, the impor-tance of the liberated territories of Eretz Yisrael and the implications of not recognizing their importance, and the energies of the Jewish people that once unleashed would turn the Jewish nation into a major power on all material and spiritual fronts…"



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